The graduates who succeed in the lessons and in the program take an associate degree program diploma in the field of Banking and Insurance on the condition that they complete vocational internship/ training for 30 work days.
Short Cycle Degree
Admission to first year students of Business Administration Program, organized by Student Selection and Placement Center selection and placement is performed according to the results. Students admitted to the program the first registrations, with the approval of University President's Office determined of the specified days is performed by the Head of Student Affairs. Students admitted to the university of the records listed below for the exact replication of conditions must be fulfilled. a) High school or equivalent degree from a school is a diploma or official document to be presented, b) Health status and military service or similar aspects in terms of not disabled. Precise enrolls of the accepted and have provided the above conditions for the students, to provide the requested documents and other fees and charges were found in the case of payments are made by the Head of Student Affairs.
To be successful in all of the lessons that are included in the program(totally 120 AKTS equivalent) and having minimum 2.00 GPA out of 4.00 GPA are enough for the competence.
The aim of Banking and Insurance Program, to eliminate the need for qualified personnel for the banking and insurance sectors. Mission undertaken by the program; today to work in a globalizing markets and increased competition, productive and capable of analytical thought, researchers can adapt to changes in the theoretical and practical information infrastructure to train personnel equipped with search. Vision of the program undertaken by the students to gain the necessary information, equipment and ethical values??.
The Employment Profiles of Alumni (With examples) Our Graduates; -can work in the field of banking and insurance within the private and public institutions. -can be employed in the branches of banks or general management and operation centers of banks. -can work in the agencies of liberal and bank branches which are the chain of distribution of Insurance companies. -can meet the needs of intermediate staff in the the central departments of insurers' and reinsurers' companies. -can be employed in the individual retirement companies which have been included in teh insurance sector with the recent regulations . -can gain the qualities of marketing the products and services of all banks and insurances, and master the basic principles and concepts of banking and insurance. -can offer consulting services about the basic products and services to the potential bank customers and to the policyholders. -know about the legislations of their job and know about the quality control and standards.
The graduates are awarded a two-year degree ( Associate degree program) banking and insurance diploma. The alumni graduated from banking and insurance program can transfer onto programs, such as Actuarial Science, Banking, Banking and Finance, Banking and Finance, Econometrics, Economics, , Economics and Finance, Economics, Business, Business Informatics, Business Administration - International Business, Logistics Management, Capital Markets, Insurance, Insurance and Risk Management, International Finance, International Business, International Trade, International Trade and Finance.
Measurement and evaluation methods that is applied for each course, is detailed in "Course Structure&ECTS Credits".
Four half-year results from the program will graduate students in 40 courses will be completed successfully. Students can graduate up to 30 working days are required to do their internship.
Full Time