High school diploma, placement through a centralized national university placement examination (Student Selection Exam, ÖSS). Please visit www.osym.gov.tr for more information. About 90 students are admitted each year.
Students can be accepted from the institutions whose equivalance is accepted by the Council of Higher Education, Recognition of previous informal and formal education in higher education institutions in Turkey is at the beginning phase. Ataturk University and hence the department are not the exception. However, exams are made every term for the level of English and thus previous foreign language education is recognised. Students, if they get passing grade, can be exempt from these courses.
Students must be successful in all courses as it is stated in Ataturk University Regulations of Education and Examination.
The aim is to make people evaluate both the societies which have been composed by coming together of people and its political, military, cultural and economic situations with other societies and their effects on each other objectively in various aspects according to methods of history. By making them see this historical process scientifically and make cohesive calculations in itself, the aim is to bring them to the level to the need of modern age.
The graduates can work as academician in the fields of History and other Social Sciences in (state and private) universities and as expert at Public Record Office. They can participate in various projects about their fields. Also, the graduates who get initial teacher training can work as teacher at Ministry of National Education and in private institutes (private schools).
Those who complete the undergraduate can apply to master programs with the effect of passing scores in ALES exam and undergraduate gpa.
In History Program, students take at least 1 midterm and final exam for each coursework. Addition short-exams and homeworks can be given. For evaluation, mid-term activities/tests contribute 40 % to overall grading. The rest is contributed by final exam score. All tests are evaluated based on 100 points and class average is considered. The lecturers convert numerical scores into 4-letter grading category. Attendance is required. Students are not permitted to pursue further year if sequentially graduate-point averages (GPA) below 2.00. Grades AA, BA, BB, CB, and CC taken for a coursework are considered “pass”. Evaluation of grades DC and DD taken for a course is subjected to students’ GPA. If GPA is above 2.00, grades DC and DD for a lecture are considered “pass”. Grade FF indicates “fail”. Lectures evaluated by grades M and G are not included in overall GPA calculation.
Normal duration is 4 years. Students must take and pass all necessary courses totaling 150 credits and reach a minimum (grade point average) of 2,0 before him/her can graduate.
Full time