Bachelor degree in Arabic Language and Literature
The students will be placed according to their grades obtained from Student Selection Exam. For further information, please visit website. Each year, approximately 50 students are admitted to our department.
Admission can be made from the institutions of which equivalency is recognized by Higher Education Council.
A student is required to successfully complete the designated program of courses meet a minimum of 240 ECTS credit requirement and have a minimum GPA of 2.00/4.00 and no FF or Z grades.
The aim of the department in education and training in the field of Arabic language and literature graduate and postgraduate level is to train staffs capable of sufficient knowledge and equipment. To do research on classical and modern periods of Arabic culture and also to publish and review knowledges which are about Turkish history and culture are among the objectives of the department. Our graduates can work as a teacher in the schools of the Ministry of Education and also they work in the public and private sectors . Morever they work in the foreign countries, embassies, consulates, customs, libraries, archives, official institutions, in the specialized work fields etc... and they work in the libraries where there are Arabic and Ottoman hand writings . Therefore, they can be employed as academics in the relevant sections of our universities.
Arabian Language and Literature Bachelor's degree graduates can work in many private institutions, academic staff to be accommodated.
The graduates holding Bachelor’s Degree are eligible to apply to Master’s Degree programmes at national level and /or international level both in the same and in related disciplines.
Arabic Language and Literature Program for each course at least one of the midterm and final exam. In addition, assessment quizzes and homework, too. Success midterm exam grades, the effect of shortterm exams and assignments 40, 60 of the ratio of the final exam. In this evaluation, the course instructor, course, semester and final exam scores of the students who take into account the results of the statistical framework of the principles defined in the regulation and the notes are converted to 4 letter system. Weighted GPA student created the notes 2:00 2 terms on top of those in the next period can not take lessons. One class AA, BA, BB, CB and CC grades that course is considered successful. DC and DD notes from a cours depending on the student graduation AGNO suna evaluated. grade student achievement (2.00) is defined as successful on these courses. December semesters years, the letter notes that these coefficients are evaluated with the calculation of Agno. FF grade student fails the course, given the first semester year, continue taking the exam must meet the requirements. Success note with appreciation of the M and G classes, participate in consideration in the calculation of Agno
Normal duration is 4 years. Students must take and pass all necessary courses totaling 150 credits and reach a minimum (grade point average) of 2,0 before him/her can graduate.
Full time