High school diploma, placement through a centralized national university placement examination (Student Selection Exam, ÖSS). Please visit www.osym.gov.tr for more information. About 70 students are admitted each year.
Admission can be made from the institutions of which equivalency is recognized by Higher Education Council. Successful vocational school graduates to continue their educaiton to obtain Bachelor’s degrees if they are successful in vertical transfer examination are also admitted. The courses to be taken by these students are determined by the relevant department, on the basis of courses they have completed in the programs in vocational school from which they have graduated. Recognition of prior non-formal and in-formal learning is at the beginning stage in Turkish Higher Education Institutions. Ataturk University and thus the department is not an exception to this. However, exams of exemption are organised at the start of each year at the University for the courses of English Language. The students who achieve a passing grade from the exam are held exempt from the related course in the curriculum.
Students must be successfull and/or pass all courses on the programme including graduation thesis and internship that are explained education and exam regulation of Ataturk University.
Submission of Quality Education. The formation of adequate teaching staff. İn an ideal arrangement of the curriculum. The establishment of adequate infrastructure. It was provided to participatory and practical educational level. Teaching staff training for the newly established universities. Field work (excavation, museum and survey) done. Preparation of qualified scientific publication. The establishment of international relations within the university. The establishment of international relations at university level Establishing relationships with archaeological departments of overseas universities. Cooperation with fraternal universities. Participation in national and international congresses and editing. ERASMUS ve SOKRATES Skilled international publications. The regulating exchange of academic staff and students under European Credit Transfer System.
Archaeology graduates in all units of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, private museums, governorships and municipalities can serve as an archaeologist.
The graduates holding Bachelor’s Degree are eligible to apply to Master’s Degree programmes at national level and /or international level both in the same and in related disciplines. Students who are high honor students are also eligible to apply to doctorate degree at Ataturk University.
One mid-term examsand one final exam are required for every class offered at the department. 40% of the final exam and 60% of the other exam grades define the final grade of the class. Student has to meet the requirements defined by the guidelines to be eligible to take the final exam. All exams are graded out of 100 points, and relative grading system is used to determine the student’s success grade. For this purpose, course lecturer converts the mid-term, final exam and other grades to the letter grades by means of a statistical evaluation of these based on the rules defined by the guidelines. Students who can not meet the 2.00 GPA minimum for two consequent semesters are not allowed to enroll the following semester’s classes. Any student who gets AA, BA, BB, CB and CC grades from a course is considered to be successful. On the other hand, DC and DD grades are evaluated based on the student’s cumulative GPA. If student’s cumulative GPA is above the minimum GPA, then student is considered to be successful in all courses with DC and DD grades. FF grade is assigned to a student who is assumed to be unsuccessful in a course. A student with a FF grade in a particular course is supposed to re-register for that course first time it is offered with the same attendance and exam requirements. M and G grades are not accounted through the GPA calculation.
Normal duration is 4 years. Students must take and pass all necessary courses totaling 124 credits and reach a minimum (grade point average) of 2,0 before him/her can graduate.
Full time