This department, within the scope of five-year education faculties, is subject to 300 ECTS credits undergraduate grading system. Students acquired required program proficiencies, and completed program successfully are awarded with bachelors degree in german teaching.
Candidates must have high school diploma or equivalent, and must get adequate score on the Student Selection and Placement Exam. Students of equivalent programs, domestic or abroad, may apply for transfer or student exchange programs.
Formal education according to the legislation of higher education. In case of horizontal and vertical transition the transcript and program will be evaluate by a commission of the department. The commission compared the programs and courses and determined which courses will be accept. This is also applied for Erasmus students.
Theoretical and practical studies will be completed successfully
Our goal is to educate German teachers who are modern, capable of thinking critically, democratic, respectful of humans and human rights, faithful to the principles and fundamentals of education, keeping up with technological changes and aware of the importance of their occupations.
The graduates of German Language Teaching Department can work as a german teacher in all primary and secondary schools in which German is taught as first or second language. They can work in several fields or private sector which has commercial cooperation with Germany. They can work in various areas of tourism as well as in media and communication orientated institutions.
Apart from the BA undergraduate programme, related MA programme have been organised and directed by the Institute of Educational Sciences. Transition to graduate: Undergraduate academic degree, ALES, Science Exam and interview Transition to Ph.D: Master's degree, ALES, UDS, Science Exam and interview.
Measurement and evaluation system for each course subject is described in detail under Course Instruction Plan.
Successfully complete all courses equivalent 300 ECTS credists, and to achive minimum 2.0 out of 4.0 GPA.