This department, within the scope of five-year education faculties, is subject to 300 ECTS credits undergraduate grading system. Students acquired required program proficiencies, and completed program successfully are awarded with bachelors degree in Turkish language and literature teaching.
Candidates must have high school diploma or equivalent, and must get adequate score on the Student Selection and Placement Exam. Students of equivalent programs, domestic or abroad, may apply for transfer or student exchange programs.
In order to graduate from this program, the students are required to succeed in all the courses as described in the in the Education and Examination Regulations of Atatürk University
The purpose of Turkish Language and literature teaching program is to train Turkish Language and literature educators who has up to date field and professional knowledge and who can use this knowledge for the purpose of research and education.
Graduates take professional task in establishment of many public and private sector.
Master Degree in Turkish Language related programs
Measurement and evaluation system for each course subject is described in detail under Course Instruction Plan.
Successfully complete all courses equivalent 300 ECTS credists, and to achive minimum 2.0 out of 4.0 GPA.
Full time