This department, within the scope of four-year education faculties, is subject to 3240 ECTS credits undergraduate grading system. Students acquired required program proficiencies, and completed program successfully are awarded with bachelors degree in primary school teaching.
Candidates must have high school diploma or equivalent, and must get adequate score on the Student Selection and Placement Exam. Students of equivalent programs, domestic or abroad, may apply for transfer or student exchange programs.
Admission can be made from the institutions of which equivalency is recognized by Higher Education Council. Exams of exemption are organised at the start of each year at the University for the courses of English Language. The students who achieve a passing grade from the exam are held exempt from the related course in the curriculum.
A student is required to successfully complete the designated program of courses meet a minimum of 240 ECTS credit requirement and have a minimum GPA of 2.00/4.00 and no FF or Z grades.
1.To train teachers that are modern, democrat, productive, susceptible for nation’s and world’s problems and their solutions, and culture and arts, self confident and tolerant, compatible with themselves and others, capable of adapting themselves to changing conditions and using communication and education technologies, collaborating, have scientific understanding, goals about future, sense of dedication for their teaching profession and leadership, communication skills, can contact different science branches and use their knowledge within different areas, comprehend diversity as richness, can combine theory with practice, think critically, state their thought respectfully, have the principle of life-long learning and adapt themselves to innovations.
Graduates, who have obtain sufficient score in KPSS (Civil Servant Election Exam), can be assigned classroom teacher by the Ministry of the National Education. Graduates can also work special education institutions.
May apply to master's or doctorate programmes in any field.
Measurement and evaluation system for each course subject is described in detail under Course Instruction Plan.
Successfully complete all courses equivalent 240 ECTS credists, and to achive minimum 2.0 out of 4.0 GPA