This department, within the scope of four-year education faculties, is subject to 240 ECTS credits undergraduate grading system. Students acquired required program proficiencies, and completed program successfully are awarded with bachelors degree in Turkish teaching.
Candidates must have high school diploma or equivalent, and must get adequate score on the Student Selection and Placement Exam. Students of equivalent programs, domestic or abroad, may apply for transfer or student exchange programs.
Students enrolled in Atatürk University might be exempted from certain courses within the framework of certain regulations. A student can be exempted from a certain course provided related course content previously received from another institution complies with that of Ataturk University, which is subject to approval and verification by the Board of faculty/graduate school/school.
In order to graduate from this program, the students are required to succeed in all the courses as described in the in the Education and Examination Regulations of Atatürk University
The aim of our department is to educate qualified, ethical, selfless, idealistic Turkish teachers. These Turkish teachers will behave according to Ataturk s Principles and Revolutions in their lives. One of the main goals of our department is educate its students to be well-trained Turkish teachers in the areas of “native language education” and “the art of teaching”. Well-trained Turkish teachers will provide their students the best ways to learn and use their mother tongue. One of the goals of our department is our students to become Turkish Teachers immediately after graduation, by showing success at teacher assignment exams.
Graduates take professional task in establishment of many public and private sector.
The graduates of Turkish Language Teaching Programme will continue to master and doctorate programs.
Measurement and evaluation system for each course subject is described in detail under Course Instruction Plan.
Successfully complete all courses equivalent 240 ECTS credists, and to achive minimum 2.0 out of 4.0 GPA.