Students who successfully complete a 5-year education at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Atatürk University are given “Veterinary Surgeon with Master Equivalent Degree” diploma and “Veterinary Surgeon” title.
Atatürk University, Faculty of Veterinary medicine accepts high school graduates who earn enough scores in math and science tests in the Nationwide University Entrance Test organized by The Student Evaluation and Placement Center. Students from other veterinary institutions and those graduated from related vocational schools are also accepted.
Admission can be made from the institutions of which equivalency is recognized by Higher Education Council. Successful vocational school graduates to continue their educaiton to obtain Bachelor’s degrees if they are successful in vertical transfer examination are also admitted. The courses to be taken by these students are determined by the relevant department, on the basis of courses they have completed in the programs in vocational school from which they have graduated. Recognition of prior non-formal and in-formal learning is at the beginning stage in Turkish Higher Education Institutions. Ataturk University and thus the department is not an exception to this. However, exams of exemption are organised at the start of each year at the University for the courses of English Language. The students who achieve a passing grade from the exam are held exempt from the related course in the curriculum.
Students must be successfull and/or pass all courses on the programme including graduation thesis and internship that are explained education and exam regulation of Ataturk University.
To graduate qualified alumni who can envisage and solve problems related to veterinary medicine using scientific approaches
Our alumni as a member of a respected occupation have opportunity to work for Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Animal Health and Food Inspection Divisions of Custom Offices of Ministry of Trade, Animal Hospitals under Turkish Equestrian Association and Local City Governorships, slaughter houses, food producing/processing companies, private farms, companies producing/marketing veterinary equipments, drugs, and supplements and/or run their own private clinics. Depending upon their ambition and success, they can continue their postgraduate education and become an academic stuff at higher educational institutes and vocational/technical schools.
The graduates holding Master’s Degree are eligible to apply to Doctorate programmes at national level and /or international level both in the same and in related disciplines.
In veterinary program, students take at least 1 midterm and final exam for each coursework. Addition short-exams and homeworks can be given. For evaluation, mid-term activities/tests contribute 50% to overall grading. The rest is contributed by final exam score. All tests are evaluated based on 100 points and class average is considered. The lecturers convert numerical scores into 4-letter grading category. Attendance is required. Students are not permitted to pursue further year if sequentially graduate-point averages (GPA) below 2.00. Grades AA, BA, BB, CB, and CC taken for a coursework are considered “pass”. Evaluation of grades DC and DD taken for a course is subjected to students’ GPA. If GPA is above 2.00, grades DC and DD for a lecture are considered “pass”. Grade FF indicates “fail”. Lectures evaluated by grades M and G are not included in overall GPA calculation.
Students must take and pass all necessary courses, graduation thesis and intermship listed in curriculum totaling 300 ECTS credits and reach a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2,0.