Qualification Awarded Graduates awarded with a degree of Bachelor in Nutrition and dietetic.
Level of Qualification First Degree
Specific Admission Requirements Students who are graduated of high school and/or equivalent vocational schools, and having necessary score (MF-3 science based) from the National University Attendance Exam are accepted to the Nutrition and Dietetics Bachelor's program. High school diploma and placement through a centralized national university placement examination.
Specific Arrangements for Recognition of Prior Learning The recognition of prior formal education in Turkish Higher Education institutions are carried out within the context of “regulation on transition between associate degree and graduate programmes, double major, sub-branch and credit transfer between institutions” (http://www.yok.gov.tr/content/view/476/) determined by the Council of Higher Education for the vertical, undergraduate and intra-university transfers. Exemption exams are carried out for English and Computer Sciences courses at the beginning of the academic periods. The students who are considered as competent with respect to such courses have the right to take the exams. The students who take such exams and be successful are exempted from the related courses.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations Students must be successfull and/or pass all courses on the programme that are explained education and exam regulation of Ataturk University. http://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/Metin.Aspx?MevzuatKod=8.5.23757&MevzuatIliski=0&sourceXmlSearch=
Profile of the Program To make education and training within the framework of international standards, have capabilities of analysis and synthesis about increasing or improving health of public and quality of life in addition to train dieticians who acquired the habit of lifelong learning to provide research opportunities. To ensure the use of produced information. To improve continuously To train dietitian who is well-known and is preferred at the national and international level to be an education and research institution which have academic staff. Togo up the level of advanced Health Sciences Faculties by education and training activities
Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples The graduates can work as researcher, educator, treatment and rehabilitation provider at patient treatment institutions, care centers for children and elderly, private diet clinics as well as academician. Moreover, the graduates can work as manager, researcher and educator in other institutional food services, private or public institutions related to nutrition. The graduates of this programme can be appointed as dietician to the mentioned public institutions if they get the required point from KPSS (Public Personnel Selection Examination).
Access to Further Studies ALES is available on successful completion of undergraduate studies on condition that the candidates may apply to graduate programs.
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading Exams comprise of short-term exams, mid-term exams, finals, one-lesson exams, additional exams, excuse exams, and exemption exams. These exams can be conducted in various forms; written, oral or both written and oral and/or practical. At least one mid-term exam is conducted for every lesson every half-term. Projects, homework, short exams, laboratory studies, and other studies may count as a mid-term exam. When calculating the raw grade of a course, we take 50% of the mid-term exam, and 50% of the final exam.
Graduation Requirements The amount of credit hours requires for students to graduate, excluding common compulsory courses, is 139(240 ECTS). Students need a minimum GPA of 2.00 to graduate.
Mode of Study Full-time