Bachelor Degree in Management Information Systems.
Bachelor's Degree (First Cycle)
Ataturk University Department of Management Information Systems accepts high school graduates who are qualified to submit sufficient quantitative scores of YGS and LYS exam, both are administered by Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM). Also, either Vocational High School graduates or both the other universities Department of Management Information Systems and qualified Ataturk University departments’ students can transfer to the Department of Management Information Systems after the 3rd semester. All these transfers are coordinated by a guideline, and the students can only transfer in accordance with the announced instructions to define the quota and required qualifications.
As explained in the Atatürk University Education and Examinations Regulations, students must be successful in all the courses taught in their programs in order to graduate from this department.
Department of Management Information System at Atatürk University is a B.Sc degree program that focuses on the technical, management and organizational dimensions of information systems. The program aims to gain experiences to students to solve the current organizationl problems related to information systems considering changing conditions.
The Department of Management Information Systems first graduated in 2016. Departmental graduates have begun to work as information system administrators at various institutions or as employees responsible for developing relevant on-the-ground projects.
At least one midterm exam, a quiz, a homework and a final exam are given for each course given in the department. The success grade is assessed by midterm exam, short-term exam and homework are 40% and final exam is 60%. In order to be able to take the examination for the semester, the student must fulfill the attendance requirements in the regulations. All the exams are evaluated over 100 points and the relative evaluation system is applied in the calculation of the students' achievement grade. In this evaluation; the instructor takes into consideration the statistical results of the scores of the semester / year and the semester / year-end exams of the students who take the course and the grades taken are converted into the 4-letter system within the framework of the principles specified in the regulation. The weighted Grade Point Average (AGNO), which is formed from the notes received by the student, can not take courses in the next semester for 2 semesters below 2.00. A student who receives one of the grades AA, BA, BB, CB and CC is deemed to have completed the course. The DC and DD grades received at a derter are evaluated based on the student's graduation AGNO. If the AGNO of the student is above the success grade, these courses are defined as successful. The FF grade is awarded to the students who have failed the corresponding dersten. The student who receives FF grade must take the course in the first semester / year and fulfill the attendance and examination requirements. Courses rated with success grades M and G do not participate in the evaluation of AGNO calculation
Students who have successfully completed all the courses they have to take in the department of Management Information Systems and have a weighted overall grade point average of at least 2.00 are given a Bachelor's Degree in Management Information Systems. Curriculum; theoretical lectures and / or practices and other activities (research, homework, internship, etc.). The total amount of credit hours students must take for graduation, excluding common compulsory courses; The Department of Management Information Systems has 160 credit hours.
Management Information Systems Department provides formal education and daily training program; daytime teaching (1st instruction) and night teaching (2nd instruction).