Successfully completing the Ph.D. Program in Management Information Systems will be awarded to Doctorate Degree (Management Information Systems Science Doctor) in the field of Management Information Systems.
Applicants applying for a master's degree must have a score of at least 55 ALES on the program. At least 55 points are required for admission to the doctorate program or a score equivalent to that of an exam accepted at the Universities Council. T.C. who will apply for a doctorate degree with a thesis degree. 60% of the ALES score, 30% of the master's graduation score and 10% of the interview grades must be at least 65 points for admission to the doctoral program of the nationality. Those who do not participate in the interview test are not counted and can not enter the ranking.
Management Information Systems PhD Program; Administrative Information Systems, Numerical Methods, Computer Engineering and Industrial Engineering.
To pass the compulsory and elective courses included in the program and to take the proficiency examination, to get a score of at least 55 from the National Foreign Language Exams (ÜDS, KPDS, YDS) or equivalent of the international language exams, to pass the doctoral qualification examination successfully, to prepare and present the doctoral thesis successfully defend.
Exams; Short exams, midterm exams, final exam, make-up exams, exemption exams and make-up exams. The success grade is calculated by taking 30% of the midterm grade average and 70% of the final exam or 70% of the make-up exam. The success grade in doctoral programs is at least 75 points over 100 points.
The 180-240 ECTS credits in the doctoral program must have completed academic activity on the workload.
Full Time.