Students who successfully complete the programme will receive an Bachelor's Degree in Tourism Management.
General admission requirements stated under Info on the Institution on this website are being applied to start this programme.
Depending on the degrees awarded, theoretical or practical courses taken as part of a degree (completed or not completed) may lead to recognition of these as prior learning by the programme administration. The students who have taken courses in another institution in Turkey or abroad can ask for credit and grade transfer. The executive boards of relevant programme will decide on the courses to be transferred covering students' entire academic program once and for all with the condition that the request for transfer be made within the first week of the academic year, the requests cannot be repeated.
A student is required to successfully complete the designated program of courses meet a minimum of 240 ECTS credit requirement and have a minimum GPA of 2.00/4.00.
Tourism is an important sector within service industry for many countries. Tourism education involves giving students the necessary knowledge and competencies to manage tourism establisments that are being operated in a competitive environment. In this respect, tourism education comprises of management, marketing, financial management, accounting and practical topics.
The graduates of the Department of Tourism Management are in high demand by many hospitality and tourism enterprises. Graduates and current students are highly recruited for internships and permanent positions. The former graduates of the department have already reached different managerial positions in well-known international and national hotel chains, travel agencies, airline companies and other enterprises in tourism industry. Some graduates are invited to courses by instructors to share their real-world experiences with our current students.
Upon successful completion of the master's program, candidates may apply for a PhD program in the same or a related field, if they get a sufficient grade in ALES (Examination for Postgraduate Study and Academic Staff) test and have sufficient level of English language skills.
One mid-term exam, quiz exams, home works and one final exam are required for every class offered at the department. 60% of the final exam and 40% of the other exam grades define the final grade of the class. Student has to meet the requirements defined by the guidelines to be eligible to take the final exam. All exams are graded out of 100 points, and relative grading system is used to determine the student’s success grade. For this purpose, course lecturer converts the mid-term, final exam and other grades to the letter grades by means of a statistical evaluation of these based on the rules defined by the guidelines. Students who cannot meet the 2.00 GPA minimum for two consequent semesters are not allowed to enroll the following semester’s classes. Any student who gets AA, BA, BB, CB and CC grades from a course is considered to be successful. On the other hand, DC and DD grades are evaluated based on the student’s cumulative GPA. If student’s cumulative GPA is above the minimum GPA, then student is considered to be successful in all courses with DC and DD grades. FF grade is assigned to a student who is assumed to be unsuccessful in a course. A student with a FF grade in a particular course is supposed to re-register for that course first time it is offered with the same attendance and exam requirements. M and G grades are not accounted through the GPA calculation.
Education guideline of the School requires the successfully completion of the entire course studies as well as having a 2.00 minimum GPA score to get the Bachelors degree.
Full time training in Tourism management program