Doctor of history
%60 of ALES (High Education Council make it necessary ) %40 of graduate and postgraduate grade ,and quotas are the basic requirements.Those have these requirements and join the quotas are successful and admit to programme. Plus,Prequirement is to get 55 score in the exams or alike those accepted by High Education Council in postgraduate programme.
To have a M. Sc. Degree in History program.
To complete compulsory and elective courses successfully; to have a minimum score of 55 from one of the National Foreign Language Exams (ÜDS and KPDS) or to have an equivalent score from international language exams in order to take proficiency exam; to pass the proficiency exam successfully; to complete the Ph.D. dissertation successfully; and to defend his/her dissertation successfully.
The aim is to make people evaluate both the societies which have been composed by coming together of people and its political, military, cultural and economic situations with other societies and their effects on each other objectively in various aspects according to methods of history. By making them see this historical process scientifically and make cohesive calculations in itself, the aim is to bring them to the level to the need of modern age
İn the Ph D.programme 30 % of mid-term exam and 70% of year-end exam are the basic assessment. And it is necassary that average of each should be 75 %..
İt is necassarry to get 240 ECTS hour and to be successfull in these programmes.
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